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Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

مطالب برجسته

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency

CoverNews Pro

Post List

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency

Post Slider

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency

CoverNews Pro

Post Grid

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency

Pakistan’s Digital Clampdown: A Threat to Democracy and Free Speech

Afghan Diaspora Protests in Vienna, Condemns Killing of Pashtun Activist and Pakistani Oppression

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در باره ADN

Afghan Diaspora Network شبکه افغان دیاسپورا/د افغان دیاسپورا شبکی

“به شبکه افغان دیاسپورا (ADN)، یک پلتفرم مستقل که برای ارتباط بین دیاسپورای افغانستان اختصاص داده شده است، خوش آمدید. هدف اصلی ما ارائه دانش و معلومات ارزشمند و مبتنی بر شواهد در مورد افغانستان و دیاسپورای افغانستان است. از طریق ADN، جامعه دیاسپورا را با اطلاعات موثق توانمند کنید. به ما بپیوندید تا ما برای ایجاد یک شبکه دیاسپورای افغان قوی تر و آگاه تر تلاش کنیم.” افغان ډیاسپورا شبکې (ADN) ته ښه راغلاست! افغان ډياسپورا شبکه یو خپلواک پلیټ فارم دی ، چې د افغان ډیاسپورا د نښلولو لپاره هڅې کوي. موخه يې د افغانستان او د افغان دیاسپورا په هکله د شواهدو پر بنسټ مالومات چمتو کول دي. دا ټولنه د باور وړ مالوماتو سره پیاوړې کړئ! موږ سره یوځای شئ ځکه چې موږ د یوې پیاوړې او باور وړ افغان ډیاسپورا شبکې رامینځته کولو هڅه کوو.

Post List

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency

Post List

از دست ندهید

Bach-e Kabul: A German Engineer’s Enduring Love for Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: A Downward Spiral with No Signs of Recovery

A Legacy of Progress: Celebrating King Amanullah on Afghanistan’s 105th Independence Day

Balochistan’s Battle: Economic Exploitation, Political Repression, and Rising Insurgency