Off-beat Crisis in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa: Military Violence and the Fight for Human Rights ADN English 23/07/2024 0
Afghanistan Afghanistan’s Waning Entrance Exam Participation: A Multifaceted Challenge ADN English 20/07/2024 0
Off-beat Pashtun Voices Rise Against Pakistan’s Military Operation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ADN English 17/07/2024 0
Off-beat Lost and Forgotten: The Continuing Tragedy of Balochistan’s Missing Persons ADN English 15/07/2024 0
Off-beat Beyond Borders: Peace Journalism and Empathy in Reporting Afghan Refugees’ Plight ADN English 11/07/2024 0
Afghanistan Uncertain Fate: German Deportations Cast Shadow Over Afghan Refugees ADN English 02/07/2024 0